ENT 774 – Insect-Microbe Interactions
Professor Responsável
Simon Luke Elliot
Oferecida no Campus de Viçosa.
Disciplina ministrada em inglês.
- Butt, T.M., Jackson, C.W. Magan, N. Fungi as Biocontrol Agents. Progress, Problems and Potential. Wallingford, CABI Publishing. 2001.
- Byers, J.E. (2009) Including parasites in food webs. Trends in Parasitology, 25, 55-57.
- Cory, J.S. & Hoover K. (2006) Plant-mediated effects in insect-pathogen interactions. Trends In Ecology & Evolution, 21, 278-286.
- Hajek, A.E. 2004. Natural Enemies. An Introduction to Biological Control. Cambridge University Press. Cambridge, UK.
- Thomas, F., Ranaud, F. & Guégan, J.-F. (*Eds.) 2005. Parasitism University Press, Princeton, NJ, USA
(1) Introduction to Insect-Microbe Interactions (What is symbiosis? Parasitism and mutualism as a continuum | Modes of transmission of symbionts | Theory on evolution of virulence | Types of parasitism: castration, gigantism etc, host manipulation | Immune defence | Insects as vectors: plants versus animals and vectors as hosts | Types of mutualism | An overview of applications (microbial control and biotechnology).
(2) Insect-Virus Interactions (Baculoviruses and other occluded viruses | Arthropod vectors of plant viruses | Arthropod vectors of animal viruses | Mutualistic or nonpathogenic viruses (or their remnants).
(3) Insect-Prokaryote Interactions (Bacillus thuringiensis | Other bacilli and other bacterial pathogens | Wolbachia and other sex ratio distorters | Bacteria as defensive and trophic mutualists | Insects as vectors of prokaryotes.
(4) Insect-Protist Interactions (Protists as pathogens and trophic mutualists).
(5) Insect-Fungus Interactions (Entomophthoraceae – obliged to kill | Hypocrealean pathogens | Trophic mutualisms and fungiculture | Insects, endophytes and phytopathogenic fungi | Microsporidia).
(6) Insect-nematode interactions (Nematode parasites of insects | Nematode pathogens with bacterial mutualisms).
(7) Extensions (The insect microbiome and food webs | Production of entomopathogens | Biotechnological applications | Management of vectorborne diseases | Diseases of beneficial insects).